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Case Study: Municipality concerned about cyber resistance

Case Study: Municipality concerned about cyber resistance

2 Minute Read

Find out how one municipality updated its cyber incident response plan to protect its critical infrastructure - and its residents.

Goal: Lower community risk if a cyber incident happens

Industry sector: Energy and utilities, municipalities

maze icon Challenge

This large critical infrastructure organization was looking to better handle their defense and response processes when it came to a cyber incident by developing their cyber incident response plan and playbooks, including a tabletop exercise to test their capabilities.

light bulb icon Solution

MNP worked with the organization to create a cyber incident response plan tailored to critical teams, and playbooks for various scenarios, including unsecured operational technologies (OT) ransomware, network distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks and account compromise. MNP also developed various checklists and guidelines aimed at ensuring the organization can respond in a coordinated manner and continue to improve its capabilities. To further boost the organization’s cyber readiness, the MNP team facilitated table-top exercises on two scenarios involving ransomware and advanced persistent threats, customized to the client organization and technology environment.

checkmark icon Results

MNP developed a cyber incident response plan and eight playbooks that coordinate the response to specific incident types.

Services provided

Cyber incident response preparedness • Cyber security playbooks • Incident response tabletop exercises

Next steps

Learn more about how MNP can help Canadian Energy and Utility organizations rise above challenges and capitalize on opportunities.


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