Philip Cavey, CPA, CA

Philip Cavey

Philip Cavey , CPA, CA

Partner, Assurance Services

A Business Advisor with MNP in Winnipeg, Philip (Phil) delivers a full suite of customized audit, accounting and consulting services to a wide range of clients, including Indigenous governments, businesses and communities. An integral part of his work involves gaining an in-depth understanding of all aspects of his clients’ operations, their industry and the environment they operate in, to better tailor advice and solutions to meet their unique needs.

Phil works with his team members to conducts audits, provide accounting services, prepare corporate tax returns, and advise clients on executive matters related to internal controls, information technology, finance, human resources, corporate ownership considerations and organizational structure. Phil is experienced at delivering professional services to Indigenous communities and often takes on large-scale projects with First Nation governments.

Phil received a Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) from the University of Manitoba in 2004. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), qualifying as a Chartered Accountant (CA) in 2007. He serves on the board of Forever Families of Canada Inc.

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