Advocate for Hutterite Brethren


A part of the Western Canadian landscape since the 1900s, Hutterite colonies are evolving alongside other farming communities to meet increasingly complex market and legislative changes. From making operations more efficient to meeting their unique tax requirements, strategic decisions on Hutterite colonies encompass the well-being of their entire membership.

MNP is proud to represent the interests of 350 Hutterite colonies across Canada. We have worked collaboratively with Hutterite Brethren for more than 50 years to create strategies and management plans that suite their unique needs.

As trusted advisors and advocates of Hutterite colonies, MNP has an inside edge on how Colonies run businesses, the tax challenges they face and what day-to-day life on a colony looks like. Find out more:

  • Taxation of Hutterites
  • Land ownership
  • Colony expansion
  • Farm Management Consulting
  • Corporate Finance
  • Power Aggregation


  • Progress

    August 08, 2024

    A bright future for farmers: Setting the stage to support the next generation

    Is the Canadian ag sector in peril? With the nation on track to lose 24,000 farm workers to retirement by 2033, we explore a path forward for the family farm.

  • Confidence

    July 23, 2024

    Five questions to assess the financial health of your farm

    Uncover your farm’s financial health by answering these five essential questions.

  • Progress

    June 05, 2024

    Farm succession planning: The role of your executor and how to set them up for success

    Ensure your farm transitions smoothly from one generation to the next. These tips will ensure your executor can fulfill their role as effectively as possible.

Contact Our Hutterite Brethren Team

Jason Smith CPA, CA

National Leader, Hutterite Services

Jason is MNP’s National Leader, Hutterite Services, based in Calgary. In his role, Jason leads a team of professionals who are dedicated to serving the Hutterian Brethren across the prairies. As the leader of Hutterite Tax Services, Jason provides sound tax planning, restructuring, and business advice to Hutterite communities.

With his experience of growing up on a family farm and nearly a quarter century of agricultural industry experience serving primary agriculture producers, Jason is well suited to assist Hutterite communities achieve their tax and business targets. He and his team understand the unique needs and goals of Hutterite communities, and are dedicated to helping them succeed.

Jason earned a Diploma in Agriculture from the University of Manitoba in 1999 and a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from Brandon University in 2004. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), qualifying as a Chartered Accountant (CA) in 2006 and completed the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants In-Depth Tax Course Parts I and II in 2007.

Jason is a father of four and volunteers as a director for the Bow Valley Freestyle Ski Club.