Michel Durand, LL.B., D. Fisc., TEP

Michel Durand

Michel Durand , LL.B., D. Fisc., TEP


With more than 30 years of legal and tax experience, Michel contributed to the tax services team of three prominent national and multinational accounting firms and one Montreal law firm.

Michel has a broad experience in estate and tax planning and corporate reorganizations as well as mergers and acquisitions and is often called upon to provide advice with regards to the tax consequences of complex transactions. Always focused on efficiency, he is only satisfied when the goals set by his clients are met. He also represents clients before the tax authorities in connection with administrative procedures regarding audits, objections or voluntary disclosures.

In parallel with his legal tax practice, Michel worked for years as an editor for a publishing firm specialized in the popularization of legal, tax and financial literature. For the latter, he wrote or reviewed over 20 books that popularize legal, tax and financial topics, or participated in the writing of such books. He is a frequent speaker on tax matters at conferences and seminars. He has been teaching a course on fiscal relationships between corporations at the APFF (Association de planification fiscal et financière) each year since 2008.

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