Blue background with white transparent icons that represent time and work processes.

Understand with ease


Ease is a cloud-based bookkeeping and accounting solution that’s always on, always accurate and always accessible.

Headshot of Krystal with the MNP ease and Intuit Quickbooks logo next to her.

Understand with ease

Krystal Cardinal, Lacombe (Alberta)

Senior Manager


A business was relying on various bookkeepers to provide financial statements — but spent a lot of time double-checking books and balances, trying to keep up with the cash flow, and understand their position in the industry. 


We got started by implementing weekly and bi-weekly bookkeeping services. This helped our client keep their books up to date and provided them with meaningful monthly financial statements. Our team also performed weekly cash flow estimates, gross margin analysis, and other financial services on a regular basis to help them gain a better understanding of their position in the industry. 


Our client was able to leverage ease to view accurate financial statements online, at any time, gaining the peace of mind they needed to stop double-checking their books and balances. Trusting their bookkeeping to our team allowed them to save on the cost of hiring a full-time bookkeeper and feel secure knowing they could access our advice whenever they needed it.

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Blue background with white transparent icons that represent time and work processes.

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