WIP (IV) Investment Limited Partnership

WIP (IV) Investment Limited Partnership has raised equity capital of $23,645,000 for the acquisition of multi-family (apartment) buildings in the Greater Vancouver Area.

WIP (IV) Investment Limited Partnership has raised equity capital of $23,645,000 for the acquisition of multi-family (apartment) buildings in the Greater Vancouver Area



WIP (IV) Investment Limited Partnership has raised equity capital of $23,645,000 for the acquisition of multi-family (apartment) buildings in the Greater Vancouver Area. MNP Corporate Finance Inc. acted as financial advisors in arranging this private placement.

Transaction Brief

This transaction provided the equity capital for WIP (IV) Investment Limited Partnership to execute their strategy to purchase undervalued and underperforming purpose-built rental apartment buildings in the Greater Vancouver Area. By applying their unique management experience, these assets are transformed to their full economic potential.

Western Investment Properties began their first fund WIP (I) in 2002 and successfully sold the portfolio for $54 million. WIP (II) followed in 2010 and developed a portfolio of buildings that recently sold for $170 million to one of Canada's largest real estate investment trusts. Led by Ward Jones, WIP continues to execute its strategy for WIP (III) and WIP (IV) Investment Limited Partnerships to develop building portfolios deliver superior returns to their investors.