Training Solutions

We help Indigenous leaders, businesses and communities reach their full potential with a diverse range of training solutions designed to enhance performance and improve decision-making. Our experienced team of consultants can help with everything from management training to business plan development and networking support.

We ensure you receive the practical, relevant and customized insights and skills you require. With more than 60 different programs tailored to your specific needs and unique learning styles, we will help you build your skills and improve business outcomes — no matter your industry, personal or professional goals.

Solutions for Your Success

  • Sector-specific training

    With a comprehensive background in a wide range of industries and business units, we offer several customizable sector-specific training programs geared towards Indigenous organizations who want to learn more about agriculture, real estate and construction, energy, professional services and more. 

  • Self employment program

    We help Indigenous entrepreneurs develop the business and management skills, strategic knowledge and vision planning required to conceive, finance and launch and operate a new business.

  • Business skills

    Management: Through customized and organization-specific coaching, we help Indigenous leaders develop the hard and soft skills required to run and manage business units effectively and efficiently. Entrepreneurship: With personalized, face-to-face group work, we offer the strategic and tactical insights required to launch, grow and mature a new business. Project Management: During this intensive two-day workshop, we deliver insights into the nature of project work, key techniques for effective project management and practice simulations to build project management skills. 

  • Finance

    Financial Fluency: We break down financial statements to help leaders and practitioners gain better insights and translate numbers into meaning for a community or organization. Budgeting: We go beyond the ledger to highlight what a budget represents, why it's important and how to create an effective and sustainable balance sheet. Bookkeeping for Community Employees: Accredited with the Institute of Professional Bookkeepers of Canada, this intensive training program provides community members with the skills and credentials they need to financially manage an Indigenous Community. 

  • Career Skills

    Security Guard: This comprehensive five-week workshop provides the hands-on skills, insights and licensing required to work as a security professional. Bookkeeping: Accredited with the Institute of Professional Bookkeepers of Canada, this intensive training program provides community members with the skills and credentials they need to financially manage a business. Career Personal Development: Focusing on self-sustainment, accountability and personal wellbeing, we help young Indigenous peoples understand their skills, identify career paths and take a leading role in their professional success. 

  • Working with industry

    Contractor Readiness: We prepare Indigenous contractor businesses to win contracts with resource developers by focusing on business requirements, safety protocols and how to initiate and complete the job effectively. Business Bootcamp: Through this intensive one-week immersive course, we help Indigenous business leaders and aspiring entrepreneurs understand how to operate a business effectively. 

  • Other

    New Community Onboarding: We prepare new community council members and managers with the knowledge, skills and confidence they need to further the operations and economic development and planning of their communities. Credit Union Training: We help Indigenous leaders and business owners improve their financial literacy and business acumen, discover growth opportunities and learn how to build better and more productive relationships with their banking partners. 


    • Progress

      March 06, 2024

      How Indigenous communities can achieve equity ownership in major energy projects

      What steps should Indigenous communities take to successfully navigate the complex transaction process with energy companies?

    • January 16, 2024

      The challenges of capital project management within Indigenous community settings

      Delivering capital projects within First Nation and Indigenous communities presents unique aspects that require a tailored approach.

    • December 04, 2023

      Considerations for reporting Asset Retirement Obligations by First Nations communities

      An asset retirement obligation (ARO) is the expected costs associated with the retirement of a tangible capital asset.

    Contact Our Indigenous Services Team