Tyler Graham, CPA, CA

Tyler Graham , CPA, CA
Business Advisor
- Direct: 403-786-2414
- Email: [email protected]
- Fax: 403-782-7703
Tyler is a member of MNP’s Assurance and Accounting team in Lacombe, Alberta. Tyler helps business owners and private enterprises, advising on strategic planning for growth, succession and tax minimization. He helps his clients clearly see the big picture and supports them in reaching both their business and personal goals.
Tyler works one-on-one with oil and gas service companies and private enterprises. His services include assurance, corporate and personal tax planning, succession planning, and general business advice. With two decades of experience, he helps companies and individuals in purchase and sale transactions from a due diligence, tax efficiency and planning perspective. His business advisory services include the interpretation of financial results and key performance ratios, and facilitating lender discussions.
Tyler earned a Bachelor of Commerce (BComm) from the University of Lethbridge in 1999. He is a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA), qualifying as a Chartered Accountant (CA) in 2004.
Tyler is the treasurer of the Lacombe Oilmen's Association.