Ashley Fehr, Leduc, AB
Senior Manager, Prairies Lead, ease Cloud Accounting Services
“Did you really go into business to crunch numbers all day? Together with ease, we’ll help you find more time for what matters most.”

Cam Bawol, Calgary, AB
External Financial Advisory
“Can’t keep up with your financial reporting? We’ll help you catch up with ease.”
Dawn Magennis, Halifax, NS
Senior Manager, ease Cloud Accounting Services
Tyril Froese, Mississauga, ON
Partner, Professional and Private Enterprise

Manon Forget, Ottawa, ON
“Feeling drained by day-to-day bookkeeping tasks? Supercharge your business for success with ease.”
Streamline invoicing with ease
Handle unexpected tasks with easeDanny Wald, Montreal, QC
Leader, Québec, Cloud Accounting Services

Krystal Cardinal, Lacombe, AB
Senior Manager
“Tired of spending all day cooped up at the office? Find the freedom you need to get back into your business with ease.”

Matt Bennett, Toronto, ON
Senior Manager, ease Cloud Accounting Services
We’ll help you find more time to focus on growing your business with ease."
Achieve peace of mind with ease
Focus on your operations with ease

Mathieu Boileau, Halifax, NS
Senior Manager, Assurance and Accounting
“Need a second opinion before you make a decision? With ease, the advice you need is always within reach.”
Run your organization with ease
Get back on track with ease
Meryl Chahley, Nanaimo, BC
Partner, Private Enterprise
“You can’t stay chained to your desk all day. Access your information from anywhere with ease.”